Controlling diabetes with diet can be done by following a few simple tips.

Find out about foods, vitamins and their benefits here.

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Controlling your diabetes by diet alone can feel like a challenge.

Good nutrition is vital to helping you manage your diabetes effectively. Eating foods packed with vitamins and minerals can be a good way of doing it.

It is a very good idea to eat a healthy diet at all times. The best way to do that is to watch your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

However it is important not to deprive yourself. It is ok to have some sugar and fatty foods now and again.

Depriving yourself of your favourite treats will make you crave them more and more and eventually you will give in and pig out. (This is from someone who has done this.)

If you find that you fancy that Krispy Kreme doughnut, say that you can have it later. You may find that after an hour or after you have eaten something healthy that you don't want it anymore.

However if you are still craving it an hour later, have it and carry on eating a healthy diet afterwards.

This will make sure that your diabetes and nutrition are on the right track.

Read on for more tips on controlling diabetes with diet.

Another way to eat well is by cutting down on sweets, chocolate, cakes and biscuits. After that cut down on white bread, white pasta, white rice and potatoes. Replace those with wholemeal and brown versions of them.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg. Especially leafy greens and salads.

It is also important to have a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in order to have a healthy diet.

Also eat loads of protein. This can be found in meat, oily fish, chicken, eggs and cheese. They are also foods rich in omega 3 and omega 6.

The best vitamins and minerals for diabetics to take are: Vanadium, Manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin E, Selenium, chromium, Alpha-lipoic acid, GLA/linoleic acid, Vitamin B6, Biotin and Coenzyme......Click here to read why.....

It is also a good idea to supplement your diet with bee products and aloe vera.

There are also some supplements that can help with weight loss.

So controlling diabetes with diet is not as hard as it seems.

To find out about nutrition and simple living
Find out some handy tips on how to get good food into your child. If they are anything like mine it will help a lot

Vitamin and health facts.
What is a vitamin. We get told that we need to take them for our health, but why and what are we taking?

Find out about natural vitamins
All Natural Vitamins made from Exclusively 100% Whole Food Ingredients provide us with the nutrients necessary for us to Thrive!

More about supplements
Learn about why all natural daily vitamin supplements are important from licensed naturopathic physician.

Vitamins for children
The opportunity with children's health to be ProActive, thus reducing the likelihood of needing pharmaceuticals for infections. The Child Vitamin Supplement choosen is Crucial! Pick 100% Whole Food.

Black seed oil

It is also a good idea to supplement your diet with bee products, black
seed oil

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