Type 1 for 50 years

by BB


I've had Type 1 diabetes for 50 years now, so I have a bit of experience in managing my diabetes!

I'll cut to the chase and tell you that since I started eating a low carbohydrate diet 3 years ago, I've had fantastic control over my blood sugar levels. My last A1C was 6.7 (the first time I had an A1C test was in 1999 and it was 11...)

I got a new doctor 3 years ago and the first thing he prescribed (yes, prescribed) was a book called "The Diabetes Solution" by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. He has a companion book called "The Diabetes Diet" which is great and gets you going with lots of great recipes http://www.diabetes-solution.net/diabetesdiet.php

Carbohydrate is the nutrient that raises blood sugar, so it makes complete sense that lowering intake of carbohydrate (you do not cut it out completely and it is safe!)

On top of having great blood sugar control, I've lost 45 pounds so far with a low carbohydrate lifestyle. This has been the solution I was looking for my whole life!

BB Martin

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